The XM177E2 is an iconic carbine famously used by different United States special operations branches such as the Navy Seals and Military Assistance Command, Vietnam ? Studies and Observations Group or more commonly known as MACV-SOG.
The XM177E2 and other CAR-15 platforms were the middle ground between a full size rifle such as the M16 and a submachine gun such as a MP5. This is because it uses the intermediate cartridge of the 5.56 round yet is only a tad bit longer than most SMGs, allowing it to have the firepower and accuracy of a rifle yet attaining a compact, CQB friendly size of a SMG.
The VFC Colt XM177E2 is a faithful replication of this legendary rifle, as it is fully licensed by Colt, you can find all the correct markings on this rifle. The parts on the gun is also quite period correct, with parts like the fixed carry handle and rear sight post, thin handguards and a 2 position buffer with an aluminum stock, this is a very accurate replica of the iconic transitional rifle. This carbine will take standard VFC M4/AR15 gas magazines, making finding mags for this bad boy quite easy.
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