BCM or Bravo Company Manufacturing is a highly respected firearms manufacturer founded by retired Marines with the goal to create reliable products for not only soldiers but civilians alike.? Renowned for their simple yet robust designs, BCM rifles have been used by many well-known shooters in the firearms industry such as Travis Haley, the GBRS Group, and Larry Vickers, to name a few.? It is to no surprise, BCM stands for quality and reliability!?
With this rich history, BCM partnered with VFC to bring the airsoft community a fully licensed product sporting the latest BCM externals and VFC internals, pushing this airsoft gun to maximum performance.??
Externally, the rifle is exquisitely crafted and an incredible amount of detail has been paid to each surface.? Everything you see on the airsoft gun transfers extremely well to its real steel counterpart, making this rifle an ideal choice for those that might consider using it as a training platform.??
Licensed Parts List:?
Internally, the gun features the VIRGO system.? Touted as one of the best internal systems the VIRGO supercharges this AEG making it instantly one of the top AEGs out of the box.? The VIRGO also features programmable electronics allowing your gun to fire in semi-auto, burst, and full-auto.? Adding to this impressive list, the MCMR comes standard with Maple Leaf internals such as inner barrel and hop-up extending your accuracy and range.? Finally, the MCMR comes Deans (T-Plugs) ready.?
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Magazine Compatibility:?
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